Instructions for Use
Please note the change in VIT's Moodle Infrastructure
Please use https://moovit.vit.ac.in
Want more help...
Please contact the administrator by email:
support.moodle [a] vit [dot] net [dot] in
Please share your feedback and suggestions also at the above address.
The following instructions are for
Faculty members teaching in VIT University who are allowed access to VTopbeta ONLY.
- Fill in your user ID (Your Employee ID) which you use to log into Moodle
- Use the password for this site.
Please Consider This:
Ideally, you should use a different password. But don't worrry, we cannot see your password. It is not stored any where in clear text. The password is as safe as your email account...
- Please press forgot password and your password will be in your inbox in a minute.
- You will have to change your password when you first login with the new password.
Currently tested for Chrome, Firefox and Opera web browsers.